Wake up your heart…

“Everything is made up of love. We are born through love, we create through love, and we feel pain because of love. Love is the essence of life itself and without love there would be no living soul.” I wrote this about 20 years ago and I may not have it exactly right, but I always remember the love on Valentine’s day even when things aren’t perfect. When I was a little girl, I remember carrying my cardboard pocket full of valentines and candy home with me when I got the chicken pox. In 2016 I lost my foreign exchange student on Valentines day. She was like a daughter to me. But she had to return to Japan and we are still very close. In 2019 I got Shingles on Valentines day. Talk about a hunk a hunk of burning love. Followed by three broken ribs and pneumonia the following Valentines day. In 2021, I had a perfect year with flowers, candy, the beach. Pure bliss. This year my dog got an upper respiratory infection and is now on antibiotics. It is still very hard to get in to see a vet during the pandemic and as he lay gasping for air, I had to make a decision from love. So I am giving him some antibiotics that I never used, but in a much smaller dose. In fact, my dentist who loves me had to give me antibiotics too when I had Pneumonia in the height of Covid in 2020, because the doctors thought I had Covid and did not want me to come in the hospital. Remember when they did that? Maybe they didn’t make those rules where you live, but they did here. That was back when people were dying at home. That was not love, that was fear. You may wonder why I am telling you all of this? Well… because in my 58 years, I have come across a lot of people who feel unloved. So I feel it is my duty to set you straight. And being the kind of solitary person that I am isn’t easy for relationships either. But yet I feel loved. Always. Love surrounds me every day and it surrounds you too even when things aren’t going your way. When you believe in love miracles occur. I believed my dog would get better and I acted from love not fear and so he is. I believed I would be healed from Pneumonia and shingles and I was. I believed my business would come back after losing over half of it and it has tripled. Which is why I haven’t been here by the way. You have to believe in love, because if you don’t then that is the end of life. Really think about it. If you feel that someone else completes you, or that unless you have everything you want right now or you can’t be happy, then that is not believing in love. You have to be open to allow love in. You can’t think that Valentines day is about having someone to love although that is wonderful I know. You are loved just for being here. Just because of your humaneness and there is nothing you have to do to prove yourself to receive love. You are perfect just the way you are, to quote Ed Sheeran. So if you are having a less than perfect Valentine’s day, or can’t wait for it to get over, Go make your fine self a cup of hot chocolate with whip cream, curl up and binge watch those shows that make you laugh or start writing in a journal. Do whatever celebrates you on this holiest day of love and remind yourself that you are loved, by at least one person, yourself. From there all things are possible.

with Love, Lisa


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